5.1.1 - 1. Upload sanction letter of scholarship and freeships (in English) 2. Year-wise list of students in each scheme to be attested by the competent authority. 3. Upload policy document of the HEI for award of non-government scholarships and freeships.
5.1.1(1) List of students benefitted by Government scholarship during the A.Y.2022-23
5.1.1(2) List of students benefitted by Government scholarship during the A.Y.2021-22
5.1.1(3) List of students benefitted by Government scholarship during the A.Y.2020-21
5.1.1(4) List of students benefitted by Government scholarship during the A.Y.2019-20
5.1.1(5) List of students benefitted by Government scholarship during the A.Y.2018-19
5.1.2 - 1. Soft copy of Circular/Brochure. 2. Web-link to particular program/scheme/ Report of the event 3. Photographs with date and caption for each scheme or event.
5.1.2(1) Documents related to organised soft skills programmes during assessment period
5.1.2(2) Documents related to organised language and communication skills during assessment period
5.1.2(3) Documents related to organised life skills programmes during assessment period
5.1.3 - 1. Soft copy of Circular/brochure/report of program with photographs with captions of such programs along with details of the resource persons. 2. Year-wise list of students attending these schemes, signed by competent authority.
5.1.4 - 1. Proof of constitution of Internal committees / Grievances Committee formation / other committees as per UGC norms. 2. Circular/web-link/ committee report justifying the objective of the metric 3. Minutes of the meetings of the student grievance committee, as per metric.
5.1.4(1) Minutes of Anti-ragging Committee
5.1.4(2) Minutes of Women Empowerment Grievance & Redressal Committee
5.1.4(3) Internal Compliance Committee
5.1.4(4) Sample filled undertaking forms
5.1.4(5) Weblink for online grievance cell
5.2.1 - 1. List of students placed along with placement details as per template year-wise. 2. Links/documents relating to placement cells such as brochures, tie-ups, etc., can be uploaded. 3. Upload supporting data for students who have joined higher education in the prescribed format for the assessment period.
5.2.1(1) Placement Cell Annual report for the last five years
5.2.1(2) Documents related to the placement cell
5.2.1(3) Certified list of students joined for higher education during the assessment period
5.2.2 - 1. List of qualified students year-wise under each category 2. Qualifying Certificates of the students will only be considered.
5.2.2(1) List of students with e-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2021-22
5.2.2(2) List of students with e-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2020-21
5.2.2(3) List of students with e-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2019-20
5.2.2(4) List of students with e-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2018-19
5.3.1 E-copies of award letters and certificates to be uploaded.
5.3.1(1) List of students along with the e-copies of award letters for A.Y.2022-23
5.3.1(2) List of students along with the e-copies of award letters for A.Y.2021-22
5.3.1(3) List of students along with the e-copies of award letters for A.Y.2020-21
5.3.1(4) List of students along with the e-copies of award letters for A.Y.2019-20
5.3.1(5) List of students along with the e-copies of award letters for A.Y.2018-19
5.3.2 - 1. Soft copy of circular/brochure indicating such kind of activities. 2. List of events along with the list of participants and year-wise signed by the Principal.
5.3.2(2) Certified list of events along with the participants for the last five years