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Recruitment Drive - Dhee Coding Lab - Bangalore     ON CAMPUS DRIVE PENTAGON SPACE @ SITS Campus     Sankranti Sambaralu on January 10, 2025@ SITS-college campus.     WORLD MEDITATION DAY ON 21-12-2024     NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION DAY @SITS BY Dept. EEE     CAMPUS PLACEMENT DRIVE @ SITS on 06-DEC-2024     SITS Celebrates Constitution Day on 26-NOV-2024     WORLD TELEVISION DAY @ SITS on 21-NOV-2024     Govt Girls High School - Campus Visit @SITS ON 21-11-24      NATIONAL EDUCATION DAY@SITS on 11-11-2024     MEDICAL CAMP - @SITS ON 06-11-2024 BY NSS UNIT     GUEST LECTURE - Salesforce Devops- CSE Dept.,-01-11-2024     'National Unity Day' -@ SITS on 31-OCT-2024     BLOOD DONATION CAMP AT SITS BY NSS UNIT ON 29-OCT-2024     Fresher's Day - 2K24 (CSE,ECE & DIPLOMA)     Sports Day in Our College-29th Aug 2024     International Friendship Day Organized by IIC cell     Independence Day Celebration in College     An Alumni meet with our alumni student L. Kishore     Motivational Speech By Swami Turiyananda     B.Tech -IV- Year Academic Calender for AY-2024-25     B.Tech -III year Academic Calender for AY-2024-25     B.Tech -II year Academic Calender for AY-2024-25     Polycet-Counselling Code-SRTS     Faculty Recruitment-Associate Professors/Assistant Professors     Farewell Day _ Celebrations - 2024     Guest lecture on Mathematics by Dr.N.Sulochana, from Government Arts college for Men, kadapa.     World Earth Day 2024: World Earth Day falls on April 22.     Congratulation to the 1st year CSE students for getting the 3rd prize in Mathematics Subject at the Nation-Level Technical Symposium., SAI Sankethika in 2024.     Successful Completion of Health Camp by NSS-SITS-KADAPA | NSS SITS organized a free health camp in its campus premises on 27th March, 2024.     Voter Awareness Program by Eenadu Etv & SITS     PRATYAGRALETTER-2K24     5 Days Virtual FDP on "Modern Trends" in Computer Engineering based on " Data Science and Machine Learning"     On the occasion of National Energy Conservation Day, a national energy conservation awareness program was held     SRTS celebrates the 73rd birth anniversary of chairman, Sri.B.Srinivasulu     College Chairman Sri.B.Srinivasulu sir honoring Sri.PV Ramesh sir    

Sri. B Srinivasulu


Sri. B Srinivasulu garu,Chairman, My earnest desire, ambition and dream is to make this college a model engineering college in this country and to see that the students passing out of this college fit into any sort of employment, anywhere in INDIA and Abroad. For this we have highly knoledgeable, well qualified and experienced faculty in the college. The responsiveness of our administration, the quality of our facilities and the practical approach we apply to our programs enable our faculty to meet the needs of today’s students and tomorrow’s employees. I hope students will utilize this great opportunity ot reach the heights in the life by building up ambitious career for them.

His continual vigilance and nurturing of the institutes inspires the staff to maintain and keep up the standards following effective governance strategies. He is a rare combination of leadership qualities with service oriented motto.


My earnest desire, ambition and dream is to make this college a model engineering college in this country and to see that the students passing out of this college fit into any sort of employment, anywhere in INDIA and Abroad. For this we have highly knoledgeable, well qualified and experienced faculty in the college. The responsiveness of our administration, the quality of our facilities and the practical approach we apply to our programs enable our faculty to meet the needs of today’s students and tomorrow’s employees. I hope students will utilize this great opportunity ot reach the heights in the life by building up ambitious career for them.



Our Principal

We are conscious of all the realities around us & knowing the trends in the current educational scenario. All the required efforts are put forth to keep the institution in pace with the challenging times. Great emphasis is laid on quality of class-room teaching and providing practical orientation in learning the subject. By encouraging the student to participate in curricalar and extra curricular activities, they can develop leadership qualities, social graces, team spirit, attitude & Knowledge which are important to succeed in ever demanding competitive world. The right understanding, right thinking, right attitude and the right actions are the beacon lights of the pattern here to be totally responsible and responsive for an impeccable educational service to the millions of students in this country.

He is passionate about executing technologies to enhance the performance at different levels. He is focused to cultivate a research philosophy and discipline that nurtures students for personality development and knowledge enhancement. Not just limiting to this, encourages indoor and outdoor activities to enliven students’ education during their stay at the institute.


It is my privilege to state that this institute is a preferred choice for the technical education seekers. The institute is constantly striving and shaping itself with state-of-art infrastructural facilities for nurturing the future technocrats of the global scenario. I feel happy to be associated with the dedicated team rendering their selfless efforts for the maintenance of the institutional standards. It takes my responsibility to support and work with our eminent administrators and staff with the ultimate goal of developing a student in to a self-resilient worthy citizen of our nation equipped with technical, professional, academic and moral skills. I extend my best wishes to all the students for their bright future.


As per demand of Industry

B.Tech – Bachelor of Technology

S No

Name of the Course

Sanctioned Intake


Civil Engineering



Electronics & Communication Engineering



Computer Sciences & Engineering



Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning


M.Tech – Master of Technology

S No

Name of the Course

Sanctioned Intake


VLSI System Design (ECE)



Computer Sciences & Engineering (CSE)



Electrical Power Systems (EEE)




Srinivasa Institute of Technology and Science(SITS), an emerging centre of excellence was established under the roof of Srinivasa Educational and rural development society(SERDS), Kadapa founded and professionally run by distinguished academicians, medical professionals and technocrats belonging to Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh, in the year 2009 with an affiliation to JNT University, Anantapur and accredited by AICTE, New Delhi. SITS firmly believes in providing its students exposure to National and International knowledge experts through regular national conferences, symposia and workshops hosted on campus. It is with this view that a wide choice of modern conferences facilities have been meticulously planned and incorporated into the campus.

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Welcome to SITS Campus

Srinivasa Institute of Technology and Science(SITS), an emerging centre of excellence was established under the roof of Srinivasa Educational and rural development society(SERDS), Kadapa founded and professionally run by distinguished academicians, medical professionals and technocrats belonging to Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh, in the year 2009 with an affiliation to JNT University, Anantapur and accredited by AICTE, New Delhi. SITS firmly believes in providing its students exposure to National and International knowledge experts through regular national conferences, symposia and workshops hosted on campus. It is with this view that a wide choice of modern conferences facilities have been meticulously planned and incorporated into the campus.

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