Governance, Leadership and Management

6.2.2 - 1. Institutional expenditure statements for the heads of e-governance implementation are reflected in the audited statement. 2. Link to the ERP Document and Screenshots of user interfaces of each module reflecting the name of the HEI. 3. Annual e-governance report approved by the Governing Council. 4. Policy document on e-governance.

   6.2.2(1) Policy on E-governance

   6.2.2(2) Invoices

   6.2.2(3) Screenshots

   6.2.2(4) ERP Document

   6.2.2(5) Annual e-governance report

6.3.2 - 1. Link to the policy document. 2. e-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers. 3. List of teachers receiving financial support year-wise under each head signed by the principal. 4. Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support.

   6.3.2(1) Policy Document

   6.3.2(2) List of Full-time teachers benefited by Financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y.2022-23

   6.3.2(3) List of Full-time teachers benefited by Financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y.2021-22

   6.3.2(4) List of Full-time teachers benefited by financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y.2020-21

   6.3.2(5) List of Full-time teachers benefited by financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y.2019-20

   6.3.2(6) List of Full-time teachers benefited by financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y.2018-19

   6.3.2(7) Audit statement

6.3.3 - 1. Event Brochures and reports year-wise. 2. e-copy of the certificates of the program attended by teaching and non-teaching staff. 3. List of participating teaching and non-teaching staff as per the prescribed format year-wise during the last five years. 4. Annual reports highlighting the programs undertaken by the teaching faculties and non-teaching staff.

6.3.3(1) Certified list of organised FDPs and training programs along with brochures and reports for the last five years

6.3.3(2) Certified list of participated teaching and non-teaching staff in the professional development and administrative training programs along with their e-copies of the participation certificates for the A.Y.2022-23

6.3.3(3) Certified list of participated teaching and non-teaching staff in the professional development and administrative training programs along with their e-copies of the participation certificates for the A.Y.2021-22

6.3.3(4) Certified list of participated teaching and non-teaching staff in the professional development and administrative training programs along with their e-copies of the participation certificates for the A.Y.2020-21

6.3.3(5) Certified list of participated teaching and non-teaching staff in the professional development and administrative training programs along with their e-copies of the participation certificates for the A.Y.2019-20

6.3.3(6) Certified list of participated teaching and non-teaching staff in the professional development and administrative training programs along with their e-copies of the participation certificates for the A.Y.2018-19

6.3.3(7) Annual Report

6.5.2 - 1. Proceedings of meetings of IQAC and action taken report on feedback analysis 2. Supporting document links are to be provided as per the options selected.

   6.5.2(1) Minutes of IQAC

   6.5.2(2) Feedback collected and Analysis and Action taken place

   6.5.2(3) E-copies of Collaborations with other Institutions

   6.5.2(4) List of collaborations with other Institutions

   6.5.2(5) ISO Certificate